Mailing List Message #19854
From: George Lendich <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] P port runners
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 08:50:30 +1000
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Looks good, but I couldn't get #3 photo for some reason.
George (down under)

> I made a little progress on the p port today and have the runners  in
> place though not finished welded.   These are 21" long from the rotor
> face.  They are steel but the bell mouths are aluminum made by Ed
> Klepeis.  Eventually the bellmouths will be epoxied to the runners but
> for todays photo session we went with hose and clamps.  They were not
> easy to make but if I had to make more, now that I have learned how, it
> would not be a difficult process.
> Originally, the throttle bodies had a 2 inch o.d. where they were to
> butt up against the runners.   The i.d. is 1.625. The sweep radius had
> to be 2.5 inches so that the runners would lay low across the top of
> the engine. A 3 inch R was way to high.   The search for a sweep to fit
> the above proved fruitless.  Ed  K. did find a 1.9 o.d. aluminum sweep
> with a 1.61 i.d. which was close enough.  However, this material was in
> a very soft condition and I could not clamp it securely enough to saw
> or part off, without distorting it beyond use.  I am sure a real
> machinist could have figured out a way, but it whipped me.
> Finally I switched to a steel 1.75 o.d. x 1.625 i.d. x  2.5R  which
> made an excellent runner except that it did not match the throttle body
> or the bell mouth.  Collars had to be made to match the 1.75 to 2
> inches at the throttle body and 1.75 to 1.9 at the bell mouth. These
> were welded to the runner and I was nearly in business.  At least on
> the throttle body end I could use 2 inch i.d. hose and clamp it
> together.  I hoped it would work on the bell mouth  but  the 1.9 o.d.
> was too small for the  hose and I could not clamp  securely.  As I
> said, they will be epoxied eventually.
> The runners travel slightly downhill from the bell mouths. I did this
> to created clearance for the Bells over the engine.  Here are a couple
> of photos.   Next pics, hopefully, will be of the powder coated
> finished product which will include the plenum, fuel rail and dual air
> intakes (filtered or ram).     Jerry




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