Return-Path: Received: from ([] verified) by (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 4.3c3) with ESMTP id 857659 for; Wed, 06 Apr 2005 18:15:54 -0400 Received-SPF: none; client-ip=; Received: from ( []) by (8.13.0/8.13.0) with ESMTP id j36MF7Nq028773 for ; Wed, 6 Apr 2005 18:15:10 -0400 Received: from [] ( []) (authenticated bits=0) by (8.13.0/8.13.0) with ESMTP id j36MF5Qu030290 (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA bits=256 verify=NOT) for ; Wed, 6 Apr 2005 18:15:07 -0400 Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 16:15:20 -0600 From: Perry Casson User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206) X-Accept-Language: en-us, en MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Rotary motors in aircraft Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Heat Shielding Materials References: In-Reply-To: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bobby J. Hughes wrote: > Has anyone had any experience with these heat shielding products or > others? > > > I would like to install a muffler in the cowl so I was thinking about > using a heat barrier behind the firewall and on the bottom skins > between the skin and the floor on the RV10. > > Bobby I use the "Heat Screen Radiant Matting", gluing it down with high temp silicon diluted with solvent to make it paintable (another tip from Ed), works well on cowls and such. I did have some one my firewall only about 1.5" from my original spintech muffler and the heat from the muffler burned off the aluminized side that was supposed to rated to 2000F and there is no way it got that hot. Perry Casson