Mailing List Message #19848
From: kevin lane <>
Subject: thinkin' outside the (batter's) box
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 11:45:14 -0700
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
I am chopping and welding on my water pump and need a way to reduce the 1 1/4" outlet.  My welder pulls out this piece of AL.  "where did you find a reducer like that?".  "there was a whole dumpster full of them at the scrap yard, they're baseball bats"  "of course!"
    These have a good wall thickness, min. .063, and can be cut to whatever size you need, 2 1/4" to 7/8".  The hard part is sneaking out of the Little League park with that bat down your pant leg!   "looks like you sprained your ankle, guy"
Kevin Lane  Portland, OR
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