Return-Path: Received: from [] (HELO by (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 4.3c3) with ESMTP id 857172 for; Wed, 06 Apr 2005 12:49:29 -0400 Received-SPF: pass; client-ip=; Received: from boucher-oddle24 ([]) by (InterMail vM. 201-2131-118-20041027) with ESMTP id <> for ; Wed, 6 Apr 2005 10:48:41 -0600 Received: from (AVG SMTP 7.0.308 [266.9.3]); Wed, 06 Apr 2005 09:48:38 -0700 Message-Id: <425412E3.000037.02584@BOUCHER-ODDLE24> Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 09:48:35 -0700 (Pacific Standard Time) X-Mailer: IncrediMail (3001609) From: "Echo Lake Fishing Resort (Georges Boucher)" References: To: Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Cooling Inlet Areas X-FID: FLAVOR00-NONE-0000-0000-000000000000 X-Priority: 3 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=======AVGMAIL-425412E6679C=======" --=======AVGMAIL-425412E6679C======= Content-Type: Multipart/Alternative; boundary="------------Boundary-00=_ZOAJ8ID3LVC000000000" --------------Boundary-00=_ZOAJ8ID3LVC000000000 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I second the seconder!! He is a patient man that puts up with all my sill= y questions, I wish I wasn't so far away to meet him & the other posive contributors to the forum.=0D Georges=0D =0D -------Original Message-------=0D =0D From: Rotary motors in aircraft=0D Date: 04/06/05 09:41:16=0D To: Rotary motors in aircraft=0D Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: Cooling Inlet Areas=0D =0D Second the motion.=0D =0D Jack=0D ----- Original Message ----- =0D From: Al Gietzen =0D To: Rotary motors in aircraft =0D Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 7:27 AM=0D Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: Cooling Inlet Areas=0D =0D =0D BTW; ED =96 I admire the intelligence, thoroughness, and patience shown i= n your responses on this forum. A service to all of us. Look forward to meeting you when I get this bird flying.=0D =0D Al =0D =20 --------------Boundary-00=_ZOAJ8ID3LVC000000000 Content-Type: Text/HTML; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I second the seconder!! He is a patient man that puts up with a= ll my silly questions, I wish I wasn't so far away to meet him & the = other posive contributors to the forum.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 04/06/05 09:= 41:16
Subject: [FlyRotar= y] Re: Cooling Inlet Areas
Second the motio= n.
----- Original Message -----
<= B>From: Al Gietzen
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 7:= 27 AM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: Cooling I= nlet Areas

BTW; ED =96 I admire the intelligence, thoroughness, an= d patience shown in your responses on this forum.  A service to all = of us.  Look forward to meeting you when I get this bird flying.

&= nbsp;


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