I'm not a NASCAR follower but I believe they have similar cooling problems and solutions. I believe we could get another data point for our designs and check some of the "Rules-of-Thumb". They operate at close to the same air speed as RVs, track temps can be 100 deg, full throttle racing is the norm, they want to minimize drag etc. Does anyone know some or all the answers to how they efficiently cool their cars?
Some questions I have;
1). HP the cars operate at in a race
2). Diffusion duct design. I assume they don't have the radiator fully exposed (like most production cars) to the air stream without a diffuser.
3). Cooling air inlet size
4). Width, height and thickness of typical radiators
5). Anything special about the air outlet behind the radiator - is it ducted or just dumped inside engine compartment?
6). Do they use normal or special EDWP water pumps, EWP been tried?
7). Others I haven't thought of?
Dennis H.