Mailing List Message #9755
From: <>
Subject: Re: Re[2]: List #34"Wazzup with WAAS?
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 10:23:22 EDT
To: <>, <>
          <<  Lancair Builders' Mail List  >>
AGL indication on Sierra Flight System.....
   The Sierra system displays AGL at 5000 AGL and below, digitally.
   At 500 and below the display turns red.
With the new screen update rates, I can fly through several canyons here in
Seattle, and see exactly the terrain in 3-D. Passengers just love it,
especially when I am hooded.
   I can now select a variable CDA, or "climb Descent Angle" and have the HITS
direct me to the BOD or TOD. The Lancair IV-P climbs at 4.2 degrees at 165
Kts IAS, at medium weight. Descends at 8 degrees with speed brakes, and 4
degrees without, at 230 IAS.
   Can also "almost" land hooded at runways that have an established "touchdown
height" listed.
   When this system is TSO'ed this year, it is going to be a real breakthrough.
...Tony Durizzi

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