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I ordered one of these units about 2 weeks ago, the model 252. The unit is
very nicely built, and worked well when tested in my garage (I started the
car, closed all the doors and sat there until the alarm goes off. I am glad
it worked, because I fell asleep and it woke me up).
The problem with the unit is the shape of the panel cut-out. Not a normal
2.25". I tried to figure out a way to modify it and put a 2.25" face plate
on it, but just couldn't get anything I liked.
I gave up on mounting it in the panel, and last night I mounted it on the
rear baggage bulkhead. I'll have to swivel my head to see the display, but
should still be able to hear the alarm. I'll try to remember to make that
part of a scan (maybe everytime I turn the fuel pump on...).
> For anyone that's interested, there's a new panel mounted, hard-wired
> carbon monoxide detector that was advertised in the latest issue of Sport
> Aviation. Their web site is: http://www.coguardian.com/ .
> Has anyone had any experience with CO Guardian products?
LML website: http://www.olsusa.com/Users/Mkaye/maillist.html
LML Builders' Bookstore: http://www.buildersbooks.com/lancair
Please send your photos and drawings to marvkaye@olsusa.com.