Mailing List Message #9741
From: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Availability of LEGAY 2000 Position
Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 16:30:13 -0400
To: <>
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Posted by "Thomas Meier" <>:

GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO GET AN L2K RIGHT NOW. Available for immediate purchase and delivery one (1) LEGACY 2000 Carbon
Fiber Fast Build Kit. The kit is still at Lancair in Redmond, OR. You pay me $3000.00 (my deposit) and work out the rest with LANCAIR.
Delivery date no later than May 18, 2001.

Please call or e-mail
425-235-0733 Ph/Fax,
206-948-6604 Cell Ph,
e-mail ''

Tom Meier
Bellevue, WA
425-235-0733 (Hm Ph/FAX)

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