<< Lancair Builders' Mail List >>
I'll be ordering the altitude switches on Weds. 5/16/01.
If you want a switch(es) and you did not receive an email from me dated
5/14/01 then I missed your request. Please email me at woodruff@swefco.com
with your request and I'll get you in on the purchase.
Price for the switch alone is $30.00 ea. If you also want the reservoir
then include an additional $5.00 ea.
I'll email back to with info on where to send your check as a confirmation
that I got your order.
Best regards,
LML website: http://www.olsusa.com/Users/Mkaye/maillist.html
LML Builders' Bookstore: http://www.buildersbooks.com/lancair
Please send your photos and drawings to marvkaye@olsusa.com.