<< Lancair Builders' Mail List >>
Jim White and I are still considering whether or not to build our own wiring
harnesses for our Lancairs. We have a good offer from a quality supplier, but
this task seems part of the homebuilt experience to us and we're both
knowledgeable about electrical things in general. One concern is that of
documentation. Can any of you recommend a good software package for laying
out/printing electrical schematics? I am pretty good with computers and
software in general, but have never used one of these tools, so for both cost
and ability, we probably couldn't use a commercial/industrial product. Any
suggestions/thoughts appreciated.
Bob Pastusek
IV-P at 50%
LML website: http://www.olsusa.com/Users/Mkaye/maillist.html
LML Builders' Bookstore: http://www.buildersbooks.com/lancair
Please send your photos and drawings to marvkaye@olsusa.com.