Mailing List Message #9726
From: <>
Subject: Re: List #34"Wazzup with WAAS?
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 12:07:18 EDT
To: <>
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Altitude by GPS

John Barrett

SFS only includes an approach where there is a TCH (touchdown height above
threshold) listed for that VFR or IFR airport. For instance, I can taxi out
from my hangar at Renton, WA, AGL will read 110' on the screen. As I line up
for takeoff on 15, the AGL has refined itself to 5'.  This is true of any
I have also done testing last week, in a flight of two IV-P's to checkout our
airframes to each other. At 3 different power setting, all LOP, we were
matched  3 kts IAS. In climb at 75% power we were matched 4 KTs IAS.  More
interestingly, my CHT's were 50 degrees cooler than Mark Kirchner at all
power settings. (those lower cowling louvers are doing their job, and not
costing me a drag penalty.) Also, I have winglets, Mark does not.
The wind readout, and TAS readout have been shown to be extremely accurate on
the SFS. You are going to love this Sierra Flight System, John.

Tony Durizzi
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