Mailing List Správa #70842
Od: Bill Bradburry <>
Sender: <>
Hlavi?ka: RE: [LML] Re: Legacy Nose wheel tire
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 13:26:30 -0400
Komu: <>



My Legacy is a fixed gear so no problem if the tire doesn’t hit the top of the yoke.  I put retreads on the mains last year and I am really pleased with them but I don’t think that I saw retreads of the size I need for the front tire.  I remember it to be 11 X 4.00-5.

What size was your front tire?




From: Lancair Mailing List [] On Behalf Of George Wehrung
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 9:24 AM
To: Lancair Mailing List
Subject: [LML] Re: Legacy Nose wheel tire




I put a reTread, Dressler on my nose recently.  I have been happy with it.  It is a smidge taller.  ReTreads are supposed to have a longer tread life and are about half as much.  I did purchase a new tube.  Remember that after changing the tube and tire it will take a few weeks for the tube to settle into the new tire.  That means it will take tire pressure checks and top offs during this period.


Also, I am not sure how a slightly taller retread will work in your retractable gear airplane.  






On May 27, 2015, at 6:46 AM, Bill Bradburry <> wrote:


I need to replace my nose wheel.  Does anyone have a recommendation as to brand and source for this tire/tube?




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