Mailing List Správa #70834
Od: Craig Berland <>
Sender: <>
Hlavička: [LML] Chelton NavData updates and SmartMedia Card Repair
Date: Wed, 08 Apr 2015 07:34:55 -0400
Komu: <>

Try formatting the smart media cards using the Chelton.  I did this for some XD chips.  I got into ground maintenance mode and plugged in a keyboard and kit the escape key. That sent me to a "DOS" prompt. From there you just have to remember your old DOS commands. The XD chip was "E" drive. So type "E:" Then "format e:" Before I formatted the XD chip, I typed "dir" and the Chelton read the chip but it was in Arabic or at least that is what it looked like to me. After formatting and reloading the files from my laptop, all was perfect!

Craig Berland


Asking if anyone has a solution to the problem of SmartMedia cards and the Chelton system.

It’s been a bit since this discussion.  I am down to my last two SmartMedia cards that work.  Buying used ones has been a failure, as all of them have been troubled: they work in the computer, but not the Chelton. 

I have gotten the SmartMedia xD adapters and 32MD xD cards, but even those don’t work (brand new ones) in the Chelton (but they do work in the computer).  I have reformated with FAT and FAT16 and FAT32, yet none of this has improved my situation.  I’m sure I am not alone.

Is there a solve out there?  I am familiar with Tim Olson’s suggestions on (Dec 2008), which echo your guidance (below).

Are we truely orphaned now without any options coming from the Chelton inheritors?


Jeff L


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