Mailing List Správa #70825
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Hlavi?ka: Andair Slector valve fuel leak]
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2015 14:46:17 -0500
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Was wondering if anyone could comment on addressing a fuel leak that has developed with my Andair Fuel selector valve in my Legacy. I went out to the plane today and found blue stains on my Transponder antenna. Pulled the inspection cover on the center console and found what is shown in the attached photo. Seems to be coming from the pilot side return line fitting. Carpets were fuel soaked but I am guessing that was from the fuel remaining in the return line draining out. We have had some very cold weather here in the north east and I am wondering if that had something to do with this, as it did not leak when I landed a few weeks ago.Anybody have this happen and did the fix require a rebuild of the entire valve or just a new gasket and re tightening of the fitting on the valve body?

Jay M. Sabot

Legacy N26XY

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