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Hlavička: Fwd: Aviation Volunteers Needed-Sea Turtles Need Pilots
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 08:04:41 -0500
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Good cause.

Endangered Sea Turtles Need Pilots, Planes 
There is an immediate need to fly sea turtles that have stranded themselves on the east coast. They need to be flown to rescue facilities in the southeast. The endangered turtles are experiencing a "state of emergency" due to recent cold temperatures and strong onshore winds in the northeast. More than 150 endangered sea turtles were stranded on Cape Cod alone, and many are suffering from hypothermia.  
The non-profit New England Aquarium is working to stabilize as many sea turtles as possible but lacks resources to house this unprecedented number. There is immediate need to fly sea turtles to other facilities, including the Georgia Sea Turtle Center, the South Carolina Aquarium, and to other facilities in Florida and North Carolina.
We are appealing to all pilots and aircraft owners for help. If you are able to help with this transport please contact me. I am a member of the Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research through the University of Florida Development Board. I am also the owner of True-Lock LLC. As an aviation company, this is one of our programs showcasing the importance of general aviation to communities.  
Please contact me by phone or email if you can help. And my thanks to NAFI for spreading this message to its members, and to the aviation community.
Leslie J. Weinstein

NAFI Volunteer Instructors Are Needed at Sun 'n Fun  
NAFI needs member volunteers to present forums at Sun 'n Fun. 
The forum topics needed include flight safety, continuing education, and all aspects of flight instruction and business practices. Or if you have an idea of your own please let us know. 
If you plan to attend Sun 'n Fun please help represent NAFI by volunteering for a forum and thereby continuing NAFI's industry leadership role. Help make flying better for all. 
To volunteer, or for more information, please contact me at
Ted Sanders,
NAFI Board Member & 
NAFI Sun 'n Fun Forums Coordinator 
About the National Association of Flight Instructors
The National Association of Flight Instructors' members work at flight schools, universities, FBOs, corporate flight departments, in the military and as independent instructors. NAFI was founded in 1967 and its members, who now teach in 17 countries, are dedicated to raising and maintaining the professionalism of flight instruction.
NAFI members influence active pilots daily; pilots training to advance their skills with new ratings or certificates and students working to become pilots. NAFI staff also works with industry and government and serves as a voice for flight instruction. NAFI helps shapes the direction of flight training.
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