Mailing List Správa #70776
Od: Kevin Stallard <>
Sender: <>
Hlavi?ka: RE: [LML] Re: UV & IR Filtering Film on Acrylic Windows
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 15:17:22 -0400
Komu: <>
That is an excellent point, I just noticed that my UV triggered glasses coating wasn't being triggered when inside the canopy.  Not exactly sure what it means, but I drew a conclusion from it none-the-less :)


From: Lancair Mailing List [] On Behalf Of Dan Ballin []
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 5:23 AM
To: Lancair Mailing List
Subject: [LML] Re: UV & IR Filtering Film on Acrylic Windows

I am not so sure about plastics filtering out UV, since at I have gotten pretty well sun burned sitting in a Legacy.

Dan Ballin

On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 5:00 PM, Kevin Stallard <<>> wrote:
I don't know if this helps, but I ordered and received glasses that get darker when going out into the sun.  I figured they would be great to fly with, however, when I did fly with them, they would not get dark.  The same thing happened when I was driving around in my car.  Since the coating is activated vis UV radiation, I have to conclude that UV has a hard time traversing through transparent materials such as is used in our canopies.

I think just the canopy itself is filtering a lot of UV already.

As for IR, are you trying to just keep it cooler inside?


From: Lancair Mailing List [<>] On Behalf Of Thorn, Valin B. (JSC-VA411) [<>]
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 2:47 PM
To: Lancair Mailing List
Subject: [LML] UV & IR Filtering Film on Acrylic Windows


We’re looking at applying ultraviolet and infrared filtering films on our Legacy’s canopy.  Not looking to darken it since the canopy has some tinting in it already -- though, looking to filter as much UV and IR as possible.  There are several products from 3M, Llumar, and others with these properties used on cars and glass windows every day.

Has anyone one applied any window tinting or other films to their acrylic windows?  How did it work out or not?

Kim at Lancair is checking with their acrylic window vendor to see what UV and IR filtering properties their acrylic windows already have.


Valin Thorn
Legacy Project

BTW, Paul and Marv, this is an example of a question that applies to all Lancair aircraft types.  We could use a category on for these kinds of general topics, questions.

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