Mailing List Správa #70761
Od: Colyn Case <>
Hlavi?ka: Re: [LML] LNC4 PROFILE
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2014 21:10:58 -0400
Komu: Lancair Mailing List <>
On a IVP 90% power climb would be over 40gph.
I don't know why you would use 90% power though.   The fuel pump provides extra fuel at 100% and max rpm gives you effectively later timing, which means lower pressures in the cylinders.
LOP cruise at 31" is closer to 18gph

On Oct 7, 2014, at 8:56 AM, Carl Scheid wrote:

A profile for an LIVP that might be used in flight planning software was determined from a spread sheet performance model. The following profile was based on the indicated conditions:

                FLIGHT CONDITIONS - TSIO 550 G,  LIVP, 3100 LB
CLIMB                   90% POWER       AT 145 KIAS
CRUISE                 22000 ISA FT       AT 165 KIAS
DESCEND             1000 FT/MIN      AT 165 KIAS
                FLIGHT LOG PROFILE
                                CLIMB                   1066 FT/MIN      26.9 GPH              176 KTAS
                                CRUISE                 75% POWER       16.0 GPH              234 KTAS
                                DESCEND             1000 FT/MIN      9.3 GPH                206 KTAS


Since my LIV has an IO 550 G, I have no way to check the flight log fuel burn and flight time. I am interested in hearing about any LIVP profiles that do an acceptable job of predicting time and fuel burn.

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