I made my first "high altitude" test flight with my new full size iPad
4. Cruising at 17,000' in my unpressurized Legacy, on a sunny day with an
OAT of about 15° F and a comfortable cockpit temperature (cockpit heat was
turned off), the iPad shut itself off from overheating after about an hour of
flight. I had a newly installed Koger canopy sunshade, but I think
the iPad's screen may have been getting some direct sun anyway.
I held the iPad's screen in front of a fresh air vent, blowing very
cold air, for a few minutes and it resumed working.
The iPad gave plenty of warning because the glass screen got hotter and
hotter before it shut down. In the future, I'll be more diligent
keeping it out of the sun. At the moment, I do not have a GPS input
to it, so I have no moving map feature on it. I can put it to sleep when
I'm not needing it (I use a two screen Chelton system) since it comes back on
instantly. Keeping it out of the sun and letting it sleep when not needed
should solve the problem.