To all Lancair Owners and Builders;
This year the RV folks have decided to invite builders and owners of ALL types of aircraft to their annual fly-in at Independance, Oregon, 7S5 just west of Salem.
The schedule is as follows:
Friday Aug. 17; Arrive at your convenience
Happy hour 1700 hrs
BBQ dinner 1800 hrs, cost about $10
Hangar dance after BBQ
Saturday Aug. 18; Inspect aircraft and general hangar talk
Wine tasting at a local winery, time to be announced
Van's Homecoming banquet; This is for RVers only and registration is required.
Sunday Aug. 19; Breakfast at the Starduster on the field
Depart at your convenience
Camping on the field is OK, and some housing in local airpark homes is available by prior arrangement.