Angier: The only product that I have personal experience with is Isopropyl Alcohol. FWIW, my notes from the LML on 10/12/10 say 1. Isopropyl Alcohol
2 Lighter Fluid (??) 3. Peanut Butter (???) 4. WD-40 5. Goo B Gone Good Luck and Best Regards, Bill Hogarty
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Greenbacks, UnLtd. <> wrote:
Hi Bill,
Given possible damage to the canopy from trying to remove old adhesive residue, I'm not inclined to experiment here.
This is one time I don't want to reinvent the wheel.
So I'm looking for a solvent of some sort that won't attack the plexiglass.
Angier Ames
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