Finally finished the repairs to 499R and got to the initial engine start after prop strike tear-down.
With 12 qts of oil in the engine, it started great ( about 4 blades ) then noticed no oil pressure on my Vision engine monitor so shut down in about 20 long seconds. BUMMER
Connected a mechanical oil pressure gauge just cranking without attempting to start. Same result. Disconnected gauge, cranked again, and still no oil coming out of engine.
Its been many moons since the engine teardown inspection as I decided to replace the windshield right after the engine was returned from the repair shop.. ( I encountered a lot of wiring problems as a results of lowering the instrument panel instead of removing it entirely..... DUH)
Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions to make before I go back to the maintenance shop and complain. The engine is a TCM TSIO 550 E1B with an external oil pump with adjustable pressure control. Any thoughts???
Thanks, Bill Hogarty