You should never have to resort to wrenches to get the wheels up –and that is not just speaking from a safety perspective.
The following is an extract and renumbered set of slides from a LOBO maintenance seminar on the 320/360 hydraulic system. Slide 21 shows one possible explanation for your system’s failure to retract.
Temperature changes will cause pressure to go up and down, but should only affect the currently operating side of the system. The non-operating side should be zero and remain zero unless there is some other failure or configuration issue. If both operating and non-operating sides are affected by temperature – investigate.
Note that earlier vintage pumps (~235 era) were internally different.
You may also find some of the following of interest:
Chris Zavatson
From: Keith Smith <>
Sent: Thu, March 31, 2011 12:24:59 PM
Subject: [LML] Re: LNC2 Gear Hydraulics
Quite possibly one of the best posts I've ever read. Thanks, Tom, for taking the time so share those experiences!
I recently experienced the inability to raise the gear. A quick call to Rick Argente (Lancair owner/builder in NJ) provided the solution...bleed the line. He said it's a common issue when flying from cold locations (NJ) to warmer destinations (Georgia).
I also get hear the pump activate in flight for a fraction of a second every 20-30 minutes or so, which I suspect points to a leak of some sort.