Mailing List Message #57195
From: Colyn Case <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: [LML] elevator trim speed (TruTrak)
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 09:57:07 -0500
To: <>
Paul, in your system are the trim servos themselves made by tru-trak or just the auto-trim box?   Given my understanding of the auto-trim box , the speed is completely controlled by the trim servo, which in my case is a ray allen..

On Jan 15, 2011, at 10:10 AM, paul miller wrote:

> On my Legacy I have the 2004 Trutrak autotrim system with a DFC250 28v and all works well.  The trim speed is very fast such that a bump of the switch sets up a big pitch change.  I measure the full up to full down travel time which is adjustable on the module from 5-8 seconds only--very fast.  My certified aircraft run 30-40 seconds.  I wrote Trutrak and they said the unit has to come back because it says 24v but may be wired for only 12v.   I measured the voltage to the unit and it is fed 28v.  If you have one and have similar trim speeds you might want to think about a fix because there is nothing in the wiring diagrams that would suggest an error in installation.  The diagram inputs show 12-24v to the unit.  I'd be interested in travel times for other Legacy trims for comparison.
> Paul
> L2K-186  
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