On the first flight, our Legacy had runaway down trim. Josh
Brungardt, our Test Pilot, had located the Trim Circuit Breaker prior to
takeoff so it was a non-event for him. Josh continued circling the
airport and completed the Test Card as planned. Would I have survived
this with the excitement of a first flight and low Legacy time?? It
confirmed my decision to pay for a pro.
The Hat Switch, Relays and Trim Servos are Ray Allen components.
The only change I made before the next flight was to replace both early style (sorry
I don’t have the part number) Relays with the later Larger Relays. Gary
at Ray Allen says they have no history with Relays sticking and changed the
design due to a manufacturing environmental requirement. I ran the Pitch
Trim Servo many times prior to change out and it worked fine, all the wiring and
connectors checked out too. With over 200 hours, no problems, but you can
bet I know where the Trim Breaker is.
Steve Colwell Legacy