Just to let everyone know since I’ve received a number of
inquiries, I do have the Outback door panels. In fact, as far as I can
tell from the inventory sheets, I have everything, save maybe a few bolts or
other basic building materials, that came with the original kit. I even
have a couple of cans of 10 year-old Hysol! But don’t worry, I
bought some new stuff before I started adhering parts.
I was asking because I assumed there was some good way to line
up the door panels before I cut the next one. The best advice I received
yet was to cut small and keep enlarging the hole until the door fits. If
it should be the exact size of the door, I have some work to do to make the
existing hole just right. I was more interested in making sure the door was
cut in the right place as opposed to the right size. As far as I can
tell, there are no markings on the inboard wing moldings. If they once
were there, they have faded over time. I can, however, still read the
markings from the incidence line on the wing ribs.
Thanks everyone for your help! I have a challenging project
ahead of me and I’m glad this resource (LML) exists. I’ve
found a ton of valuable information in the archives that I can use to help with
my build.
Also, I haven’t seen any discussions of this, but Lancair
now charges to execute a change of ownership form. See Lancair’s
change of ownership form on their web site for details. From what I can tell,
this is a relatively recent change. (Within the past year)