I wrote earlier that my IO-550 was
dumping oil out the air oil separator, and with some fiddling with the
plumbing, it appeared I solved the problem. High power climbs yielded no oil
loss. Ground tests showed no blow by. Problem solved.
New hypothesis: It appears that
the losses occur during cruise, not take off and climb. I climb at
160 knots, cowl flaps open. I cruise at 200-220 IAS, cowl flaps
closed. The ram pressure at cruise is 1.5-1.7 times greater than in
So the current hypothesis is that
the crankcase could be pressurized by external air pressure and the air flow
through the crankcase carries oil overboard.
A bit of research suggests
checking the crankshaft nose seal and the oil filler cap.
Has anyone had problems with
Continental crank case pressurization? What have you learned?
My next step is to pull the
breather tube off the air oil separator and use some low pressure compressed
air to pressurize the crankcase (engine off) and see if I can find some leaks.
The next level of complexity is to put a tube up the crankcase
breather, connect to an airspeed indicator in the cockpit to check pressure,
and go flying and see what happens.
Other suggestions or other
experience that might help guide us through this maze?
Thanks in advance,