Mailing List Message #50446
From: GT Phantom <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: 360 in a small-tail LNC2?
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 13:51:00 -0500
To: <>
The 320 is the same airplane as the 360.  There is only about a 20 lb difference in the engines.

Later versions added the large tail and long nose for better stability.  This cost a few knots.  Some added Outback Gear, but that is not relevant to this issue.

If for some reason you wanted to replace the 320 with a 360 (not a very good return on investment), all you would need to do is relocate the battery further back in the baggage compartment to maintain weight and balance.

I have a 320 I just finished restoring / upgrading the panel on (Dynon EFIS / GNS 480 / TruTrak).  I don't think it would be worth it to go through all the effort to put a different engine on it for just a few hp gain, but might consider adding a supercharger with clutch some day for better performance at altitude.

Bill wrote:

Posted for PAUL HERSHORIN <>:

My son has a 320 with a small tail and he asked me to ask if there is
any one out there that has put a 360 in a Lancair with a small tail--if they
have what are the problems and how does it handle.
 Paul Hershorin
 360  471LA
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