Question for Bill Kennedy == thoughts on accidents "Flying slow is not for the uninformed, and maybe not for most"
Serious question for Bill Kennedy: What do you consider “slow” say in a IVP?
Len Fox, who first flew N413AJ earlier this year, praised the plane, then told me not to fly it slow. He said, “Traffic pattern stalls are non-survivable.”
Pat at HPAT taught me to do downwind at 130 (and 1500 AGL), base at 120, and come over the numbers at 110. For the time being, I avoid short runways. Maybe I’ll always avoid short runways.
Are those numbers too high? Would the group recommend slower?
On 8/26/08 8:48 AM, "Bill Kennedy" <bill_kennedy_3@hotmail.com> wrote:
"Flying slow is not for the uninformed, and maybe not for most."
Guys, if you can't fly slow, you can't fly that airplane! You need a training or a more simple airplane. How do you handle a traffic pattern and landing if you can't fly slow? If you are not able to do everything required for a biannual, including slow flight, with proficiency, you aren't qualified to fly your plane. Get training, not gadgets!