Wow. I hope no one missed the fly-in since the ""day before" notice
to the LML got posted the "day after".
LANCAIR FLYIN - Medford, Oregon
The fly-in went well. Two Lancairs arrived Friday afternoon
despite the hot temperatures. Saturday morning the weather
was warm with smokey skies and a temperature of
about 70 degrees for the first arrivals at 8:30 AM. Planes
arrived throughout the morning with the last arrivals at about 11
AM. Pilots reported smooth smokey air. The early afternoon
temperature was in the mid to upper '90's.
The fly-in included 5 models (235/320, 360, Legacy RG, Legacy FG,
and IVP) in attendance. Lancairs arrived from Washington,
Oregon, Nevada, and California. Also several builders
drove in. We had a lot of locals taking interest in the rows of
Lancairs lined up. It was an impressive site.
Everyone filled up with breakfast (pastries and fruit were
the most popular) with the AeroDiner providing lunch. Bottled
water was the most popular item with 75 bottles consumed.
In the early afternoon pilots began departing to the north, south
and west to the coast for a scenic flight, with a Legacy staying over
for a cooler Sunday morning return to California.
Thanks to all that attended. I look forward to the
next Lancair Fly-in wherever it may be. I have attached a few pics of the
Gary Edwards
Medford, Oregon