Yes indeed, what you said. We fully
intend to pay what's legal, sales-tax-wise.
Regarding Use Tax, the question is,
when does a KIT become an 'AIRCRAFT'.
The FAA Form 8050-2 which the FAA
requires to be modified when buying a KIT, tells the applicant to 'cross
out the word AIRCRAFT and print on the title of the form the word KIT'.
One would think this should be obvious evidence that the FAA insists this
is a KIT, and is NOT and AIRCRAFT.
The Use Tax law states that the tax is
applicable to 'aircraft', as defined by the FAA.
The FAA regs, in detail,
further say the kit builder is the 'manufacturer',. That's me.
And that the 'date of manufacture' is the date of the Airworthiness
Inspection. We ain't had none yet... but soon.
So, eventually whoever buys the plane
from manufacturer (me) will have to pay Use Tax. But it shouldn't' be the
manufacturer; does Cessna?
At least that's the law,
theoretically. We're checking into the applicaton of it, with the
makers of the laws.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 10:29
Subject: [LML] Re: taxing
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