I use a header tank. Therefore, I use an
automotive cheap plastic filter on the lines from the wings to the header
tank. As a rule I add fuel through the wings 90% of the time. This gives the
fuel one filtration on the way to the engine. I also have a gascolator down
stream of the header. I consider this the weakest point in the fuel system and
probably would not have installed it were I to do it over again. I never get
water or dirt out of the gascolator with the fuel being filtered from the wings
to the header. The gascolator just looks like a fuel leak waiting to happen
As far as those external gaskets are
concerned I usually install them dry.
Larry Henney
850 hrs
From: Bryan Wullner
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 1:27
Subject: Fuel Filters
320/360 flyers. Are you using in-line fuel filters? If so
which ones do you recommend and where are you putting them?
I have the following set up:
wings feed header. Header feeds engine. I can not feed from wings to
engine. I have the Andair Gascolator with fine screen but I want to know
if I should put another filter in place somewhere and if so where.