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Subject: Outback Flap wiring
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> Can't you just wire it the same way, then install the switch upside down?
> BTW, as long as you're wiring that section, might be a good time to
> install the diodes on the relays, or better yet, bidirectional zener
> diodes:
> A nicely packaged kit:
> http://periheliondesign.com/suppressors.htm
> http://periheliondesign.com/suppressors/SnapJack.pdf
> Or the raw parts:
> http://www.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail?name=P6KE18CALFCT-ND

I wish it were that easy. Unfortunately, the magnetic reed switches, if 
wired according to the standard setup, do not turn the motor off. 
Instead, it runs to it's limit in either direction which is no good.

The simple way is to reverse the positve and negative wires coming from 
the motor. Everything then works as it should. It just goes against my 
grain to have the labels in the drawing opposite to what they are 
actually doing. But I can re-label the actual wires and then put a big 
red note on the schematic to remind myself what I did.

Thanks for the link to the bi-directional zenner diodes.


Doug Waddingham
Centennial, CO