Whatever. I'm happy to take test stand data. Then
you don't have to worry about field calibration of experimental probes
plus you can use "affect" where appropriate and realize that 7.5:1 is a
ratio whereas 19 is a rate.
Walter: I understand the theory and am confident you have many
Ada test runs to quote. I am however a curmudgeon test pilot who had
been fooled by well meaning engineers for years and like to see FLIGHT data
when ever possible. There are many ways to effect egt in flight and most
are easier than putting in new pistons. Additionally most of the flight
conditions I have seen posted here by TSIO-550-8.5 flyers have had LOP fuel
flows nearer 19gph than 7.5 to achieve 200ish KIAS so that is a
curiosity. Lastly you also point out that the higher CR engines have
retarded timing, and of course lower boost--so it is more than just a piston
change and flight experience is worth reviewing. paul