Mailing List Message #42275
From: Chuck Jensen <>
Sender: <>
Subject: RE: [LML] LIVP Oil Pressure Question (TSIO550E)...Fluctuations Noted
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 16:19:28 -0400
To: <>
I agree that the presence of air in the line should not affect pulsing or the accuracy of the reading.  This is counter-intuitive but air in an instrument line will often cause faulty pressure readings and can sometimes cause pulsing.
Rather than being a parts-replacing to fix this problem, perhaps Jeff should ensure there is no air in the line; then if the problem persists, start replacing parts, including the transducer.  I'm unaware if pressure fluctuation is a failure mode for a transducer---others may pipe up.

Chuck Jensen

-----Original Message-----
From: Lancair Mailing List [] On Behalf Of Craig Berland
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 2:37 PM
Subject: [LML] LIVP Oil Pressure Question (TSIO550E)...Fluctuations Noted

I did not get the data plot in your email.  However, here is my input.  If the oil pressure fluctuates at idle with a warm engine, then I would say the VERY high odds are the transducer is sending out bad data. warm idle the oil pressure relief is out of the picture.  I would dismiss the trapped air theory because I can't think of a reason the air pressure would fluctuate rapidly.  I would change the transducer.
Craig Berland
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