I agree that the
presence of air in the line should not affect pulsing or the accuracy of the
reading. This is counter-intuitive but air in an instrument line will
often cause faulty pressure readings and can sometimes cause
Rather than being a
parts-replacing to fix this problem, perhaps Jeff should ensure there is no air
in the line; then if the problem persists, start replacing parts, including the
transducer. I'm unaware if pressure fluctuation is a failure mode for a
transducer---others may pipe up.
Chuck Jensen
I did
not get the data plot in your email. However, here is my input. If
the oil pressure fluctuates at idle with a warm engine, then I would say the
VERY high odds are the transducer is sending out bad data.
warm idle the oil pressure relief is out of the picture. I would dismiss
the trapped air theory because I can't think of a reason the air pressure would
fluctuate rapidly. I would change the