Jim Thomas <mypa12@yahoo.com> wrote:
On Friday morning three Legacies took to the air at Reid Hillview Airport; Don Barnes making his first flight after his one and a half year rebuild, Scott Alair flying chase in his Reno Air Racer “Obsession”, and Jim Coelho flying close behind in his Golden West Fly-In award winner. The preflight inspection found no flaws in Don’s workmanship, the cowling was buttoned up and the tower cleared the flight of three for take off on both parallel runways. There is no doubt that heads on the ground turned skyward as the three Lancairs accelerated away from the airport in close formation. The first flight was uneventful and Don commented over the radio that “Everything looks good” and then “I forgot how much fun this airplane is to fly. I love it.” We landed at Hollister Airport and taxied to the ramp were Don’s plane was given a close inspection and some fuel. The first flight was celebrated over breakfast at the local café, where the flight was debriefed and the flight back to Reid Hillview discussed. Jim Coelho planned to break away from the formation half way through the flight and head back to Sierra Sky Park. Flying back was uneventful except for the arrival of two Legacies landing simultaneously on the parallels. Congratulations Don! Well done and welcome back into the flock. Jim Thomas, Legacy Builder First flight this summer!