Mailing List Správa #40598
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Hlavi?ka: Re: [LML] Re: "enough" runway
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 14:07:13 -0500
Komu: <>
In a message dated 3/10/2007 11:44:15 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
Is there a way to plumb your gear so that the mains raise first?  Might save your prop?
JH (for short),
Sure, route the nose retract hydraulics thru the main gear door sequence valves - nose stays down until the mains are up and tightly put away, doors notwithstanding.  Of course, there is no guarantee that the hydraulics will overcome the friction 90 degrees to the wheels roll.  Also, the tail will be destroyed along with the main gear doors and flap trailing edges.  Then one wing tip is going to take a beating - maybe its better to just grind down the lower cowling along with messing up the engine and prop, stabilizing the whole mess on both mains while control is maintained with brakes.
I hope I never have to try it.
Scott Krueger AKA Grayhawk
Lancair N92EX IO320 SB 89/96
Aurora, IL (KARR)

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