> > Interesting info about your friend, BUT I find the above > information about > spinal injury lacking any sound basis in research or analysis. > Either your > friend and his buddies defied the laws of physics (according to > you) or the > information is incorrect about water ditchings. > > Regards, > > Jeff Edwards >
> > > > I think they did a great job and should be applauded for > surviving such a > bad situation. Ron
Kinda like the guy who shoot's himself and survives, and then people tell him he did a good job? I don't I understand where your coming from Ron. They were doing Low Level Flying which ended in CFIT [controled flight into terrain, or a lake in this case] How can you congratulate them for a job well done? If they had been flying at a normal altitude they most likely would still have a usable airplane and not have their experiance plastered all over the net for others to shake their heads at.
Help me understand...
Jarrett Johnson