Posted for "douglasbrunner@earthlink.net" <douglasbrunner@earthlink.net>:
I said:
3) I would hope that my panel builder will be able to resolve their
problem with Direct 2 through Chelton. I don't know what
legal responsibility Chelton has to clean up Direct 2's mess, but would
hope they will "step up to the plate". I also hope that my panel
builder will "step up to the plate" (and I have no reason to believe
they won't) if they have to.
You said:
I do not agree with your statement #3 above. Your builder and CFS were
left holding different ends of the same bag. You are suggesting that the
guy who lost an arm get a new arm from the guy who lost a leg. Besides,
if your contract is with the panel builder, do you care a whit what they
have to do to get you your hardware?
I say:
I understand your point, but I do not think Chelton should get a complete
here. Direct 2 was an authorized Chelton dealer (wasn't it the only one
to sell the experimental version of the Chelton? - correct me if I am
wrong) I do
think Chelton bears some responsibility for what one of their authorized
dealers does. I think that other people feel the same way, although I
don't know whether this has any legal basis.
Also Chelton is in a position to get AHARS at a discounted price and/or
sell them wholesale. This might be their sole contribution to the
resolution of this problem
but it would certainly be appreciated by their customers.
I understand that there are avionics shops that are watching what Chelton
does to
see whether they wish to continue selling Chelton equipment. Perhaps the
smart thing for Chelton would be to compromise in order to keep their
business relationships intact.