The occasional wiring error on a "professionally built" panel is quite
common. I'm not sure how they do their testing, but some mistakes can slip
through. I've worked with a couple panels at my home
airport, recently one from Aerotronics.
I spent almost a day tracking down a fuel gage
problem. I started out thinking the builder did
something wrong (which is probably the case more often than not). I
isolated the error to be in a connector. So I checked the side wired by
the builder, fine! I finally traced it to a pin in the wrong spot
in the connector from Aerotronics.
That's not to slam Aerotronics, they do fantastic work, but not perfect
work. Maybe they had no way to test the fuel gages since they
were provided by the builder and were not supplied to
Aerotronics. But there still was a pin in the wrong position, different
from the schematic they created.
A fuel gage problem is not quite the same as the gear retracting
Mike Easley
Colorado Springs
Super ES