I think the OSH people should consider multiple approach patterns based
on speed rather than a/c type. You could pick whatever one made sense
but you would have actually to fly that speed.
*** I agree with that one. Why should a IV-P and a IV-PT fly different
paterns: just because their exhaust smells different? It would be an
improvement albeit less challenging and hence less rewarding. But then,
a mid-air could ruin the entire day so perhaps less challenging is
better. ***
. . . but have a hard time figuring out how the patterns merge at the
airport. If somone has done it and knows, I would love to hear.
*** It does work if all pilots manage their speeds. I have engaged in
the merge from the bottom layer in my GlaStar. After Fisk on extended
downwind a twin at 135kt decended from overhead and on my right. He
decellerated as he matched altitude, turned base, and was cleared to
land on the the far dot. I was cleared to the close dot and we were
both rolling out at nearly the same time. Worked just fine. ***
Robert M. Simon