I found a convenient place to locate my Mountain High MH EDS
O2D2 Two Place Pulse Demand Oxygen System The
cannulas and hoses can be used and stowed with a minimum of clutter too.
I am mounting the 5” x 22” OX bottle in the left wing root with the
Gauge and Valve visible for easy access.
I highly recommend this controller that I have been using for about 2
years in our RV6. It is amazingly efficient, the oxygen pulse can be felt
so you know it is working, much more comfortable than the rubber
mustache. It automatically comes on, adjusts for altitude and shuts off
flow if not in use.
My buddy who flies sailplanes gave me a Radio Shack #273-1857 Car Power
Adapter with a #273-1711 Adaptaplug “H” to utilize ships power and
save the batteries.