I am fitting the enclosure
for the main wheel wells and am having a difficult time making it fit like it
is supposed to according to the manual. This is the great honkin fiberglass
molding that looks like two bucket seats welded together that is underneath
the baggage compartment and that buts up against the 172 bulkhead.. I am
beginning to think that my molding is warped but I can’t tell. My question is
whether the forward facing face of the molding is supposed to be a flat
surface (like a bulkhead) or is it supposed to be concave. Mine is
pronouncedly concave and I am wondering if it just took on this shape from the
tension in the molding over left standing for a number of years or whether it
is suppose to be like that. I would be grateful if anyone could tell me.
Also if it is supposed to be flat, I would welcome any ideas on how to flatten
it. It is a very heavy piece of fiberglass – probably 8 bid. Thanks.
Consider throwing the
"elephant butt" away and making the wheel well closure out of
honeycomb/prepreg. Pictures of my IV-P attached for reference. Note that the
top of the wheel well enclosure is removable so one can stand up in the
wheelwell with the gear extended and work on things in the rear of the
airplane. Not such a big deal with an un-pressurized airplane, but once you've
installed the rear seat back/pressure bulkhead, any work in this area has to
be done through the gear door and/or the baggage
Hope this