At an airport like the one on Orcas Island, I maintain 110 knots through
the base-final turn, then carry 100 knots until short final, when I
bring it down to the 97 knot range. I bring the prop in (three-blade
Hartzell) on final, and I come down steeply. Just before the threshold
I slow more, so that I'm over the fence at about 95 knots. I shed
considerable speed in the flare, of course, but I'm not sure what my
speed is at touchdown. When I flare well and keep the nose up, the roll
out is surprisingly short. If I land more flat, the touchdown speed is
higher and the roll out, naturally, is longer. If I take the taxiway at
the end of the 2900 foot runway, instead of the center taxiway, I need
little braking when landing downhill and none when landing uphill, even
if my flare wasn't everything it should have been.
Carl Lewis
Legacy N14CL
>What is your approach and landing speed?