I sent my whole hydraulic pump back to the Oildyne factory had new internal seals put in and had new high and low pressure switches (from Lancair) installed and calibrated for the correct up and down pressures. The whole procedure took less than a week and cost $75.00. They also found out that the spool vale had been installed backwards (1998 pump from Lancair). I wouldn't have this procedure done anywhere else.
I then installed high and low pressure switched under the copilot's seat. I got them from Lancair for about $20 a piece. Now, at least on the ground or with the passenger seat out, I can diagnose hydraulic problems.
In my last 2 out of 3, 4 hour over 10,000 ft flights, the gear would not come down with the gear down switch. I had to open and close the dump valve briefly. I do believe that at the higher altitudes due to either cold or pressure, the gear door activators leak internally. I can't remember this ever happening in a flight below 7,000 ft.
I highly recommend using Oildyne rather than Lancair for pump problems. Oildyne's contact information is listed below.
Oildyne - Oil Dyne
5520 North Hwy 169
Minneapolis MN 55248
Contact: Edward Van Hecke
Voice: 763-531-3578
From: "Paul Nafziger" <naf@britevalley.com>
Had a short time to work on LNC2 N7PN today. Jacked the airplane to swing the gear. The pump runs anytime the battery switch is on.
Lorn H. 'Feathers' Olsen, MAA, DynaComm, Corp.
248-345-0500, mailto:lorn@dynacomm.ws
LNC2, O-320-D1F, 1,100 hrs, N31161, Y47, SE Michigan