I am using a Oberg Oil Filter. The Oberg filter is used in race cars because you can look at it and see if there is any metal in the oil after the race. I suspect that it is not quite as good as a standard replaceable filter. The good news is that you never have to replace the filter screen and it contains a metal in the oil detector which sets off an alarm in the cockpit if metal is detected in the oil. The standard metal screen is 25 microns which stops pretty small particles in the oil. If you desire, you can also get 115, 60, 45, 10 or 5 micron filter screens.
My filter came with an STC for the Lancair 320. It is a quality filter.
My filter is mounted on the left side on the engine mount. If you are interested I will take pictures.
After 1,150 hours on my plane, I am very happy with never having to buy a new oil filter.
You can purchase the Oberg Oil Filter from the Aviation Development Corporation at:
or see the filter at:
And no, I don't own any stock in the company.
Can someone refresh my memory why you would want a remote
oil filter, given the added risk of the oil hoses failing?
Lorn H. 'Feathers' Olsen, MAA, DynaComm, Corp.
248-345-0500, mailto:lorn@dynacomm.ws
LNC2, O-320-D1F, 1,100 hrs, N31161, Y47, SE Michigan