John Kleber writes... I may be
required to move my family to Washington, DC in order to continue
employment with the FAA. My biggest concern regarding this
move is where am I going to be able to work on my Legacy? Are there any
Lancair builders in the DELMARVA area, and do you have any suggestions?
John, there are a couple of us
around...maybe a few more than a couple, even. Jim White and I each have an IV-P
in construction at the Manassas airport--that we share with at least 10 other
Lancair products and EAA Chapter 186, one of the most active chapters in the
country. You have some serious adjustments to move from Denver and keep your
sanity/good humor, but it is possible to do so.
Glad to talk/email with you off line about
the area and other things. My wife is an ex-controller and we'd be pleased to
offer any advice.
Bob Pastusek