Posted for Tubamanflies@aol.com:
I think you have made a good choice to sta rt with going with the Groves and
the De-Bongers. I did the same with mine.Both have made landing and
taxieieng much easier.
1. The Nylaflow tubing should be OK, yes get some new, but keep it away from
the brakes and heat. I have regular brake line from the calipers half way
up the gear leg.
2. Get a master cylinder with a remote resiviour. Much easier to fill.
3. See 2 above.
4. I don't have a parking brake. The only time I miss it is when I have to
park on a slope. Only once or twice. I have dual rudder pedals and brakes,
which I reccomend. I just have my passenger hold the brakes and I get out
and chock the wheels.
5. Direct from Grove is fine. Robbie Grove is great to work with.
Consider adding the pedals and brakes on the co-pilot side if you are going
to have someone help you learn to fly the bird.
Good Luck
Ray Gardner