I've got the same problem on my early (pre-removable header tank LNC2).
You gotta get someone who's small enough to wiggle their shoulders, with
their arms forward, into the footwell (hopefully without getting stuck) to
do that for you. The person will need to go in pretty much face-down or
slightly twisted - the smaller the person, the easier it will be for them.
You will also need to stand by during the time he/she's in there to help
them get out as, with he arms forward, getting stuck is a very real
possibility. Be sure that all the lights, tools, hydro fluid, etc. they'll
need is put in there ahead of time 'cause they may not be able to be passed
in or grabbed by your worker once in place. It really helps to remove the
stick and throw some pillows or something in there right in front of the
spar, too.
I did this once on the right side because I had to get at something on the
backside of the firewall. Was alone in the hangar and dang near couldn't
extricate myself! The pilot's side is the same.
Good luck,
Dan Schaefer