Posted for "Mike Hutchins" <mhutchins@attglobal.net>:
Hi Brent and Hamid,
Your new EFB looks like a hit! My main concern is related to pricing.
Aircraft Spruce has the old CT-1000g at a list price of $10,195. Even at
half this price, I would think the market would be pretty limited, unless it
came loaded with FliteStar/FliteMap, JeppView and a few other goodies.
My second concern is related to GPS data input. Why not Bluetooth? There are
several DGPS receivers available now that are inexpensive and eliminate the
clutter of additional wires. I'm not familiar with the 802.11 GPS options,
but I would think the greater range of these devices would tend to consume
the battery power more quickly.
I hope this product becomes a success for you.
Best Regards,