I would like to canvass thoughts from those experienced on the value of
RAM AIR. A number of thoughts and hypothesis are postulated on the
benefits or otherwise on the use of RAM AIR.
Let's assume the RAM AIR is connected to an O320 D1F and transmitted to
the selectable butterfly valve via a suitable aerodynamic tube from the
RAM AIR intake.
Have any pilots experienced a (1) significant increase in engine
performance and resulting IAS; (2) moderate increase; (3) no increase or
change in any parameter; (4) any decrease.
In clear and low to moderately humid air, has any pilot noticed in
increased tendency for Carb icing using RAM AIR?
Has anyone previously had it connected, say in the primary build stage,
and after test flying, blanked off he RAM AIR duct behind the intake
cowl, and only used "RAM AIR" from the cowl area. If so, what, if any,
change has there been in performance levels?